lunes, 1 de abril de 2013


Find 3 descriptions of romantic love that you like and put them on your blog. 2. Find a story of romantic love in English and put it on your blog.

Love can not be defined in words.

Love is not what we feel, but what we feel without wanting.

love is beautiful but painful . 


                                 Moulin Rouge

Late nineteenth century. Christian tells his story of impossible love with Satine, the star of the nightclub "Moulin Rouge" and also the most fascinating and attractive courtesan district of Montmartre.It all starts with Christian, who decides to leave his bourgeois upbringing. And against the advice of his father, he settled in the Montmartre district of Paris (according to many opinions, the home of depravity). Once there, he started his career as a writer, which certainly puts him to love above all things, but have not love ever, it is elusive inspiration.Soon after settling in what would be his new home, the roof collapses and falls a man. Shortly after appearing at the door who calls himself a dwarf Toulouse-Lautrec with others. Explaining that apologies are ensallando a work entitled "Spectacular, spectacular". Christian says that he is a writer, and they ask you to write the script of his work. In return, the players will enter the world of bohemian life.They wanted the work to be performed at the Moulin Rouge, but that should convince Satine to use his charms with the aim of Harold Zidler not rejected as a writer of the book to a novice. So Toulouse and others create a plan for Christian got Satine speak in person with the work. He introduced into the Moulin Rouge and after a series of erorres or coincidences, Satine Christian confuses the Duke of Worcester, a prospective investor's establishment that wants Zidler regale Satine.Christian and Satine gather in a room and elephant-shaped as she offers sexually, he is offering his poetry, which is a situation really fun. The writer does not know what to do so that sings a very romantic and when it ends, she confesses that she has fallen in love but he says it's not a duke and the magic disappears.

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